Solidarity, Mafia, Nostalgia, Risen from Ruins

Things have changed. They have changed so much that the old world
we used to live and thrive in is not even recognizable anymore.
Once we were feared.
We were the hunters in the night, the thing lurking in the shadows,
ready to jump out and devour you.
Nothing seems to be left of that.
We had to adapt.
The humans went through so many changes that our old way of life
wasn't feasable anymore. Light came and chased away the darkness,
so we had no shadows to hide in. Enlightenment came and eradicated the unknown and with it the fear of us.
We had nothing left but ourselves. And through ourselves we will prevail.
Where once was hatred and competition, now there's solidarity
and a sense of mutual support.
But we remember what we once were.
And we thirst for the old times.

The Squad are probably the fae who had to change the most. As the regions in which their stories were told went through struggles and changes overnight, revolutions and turmoil, famines and poverty,
the Fae had to adapt.
From the respected and terrifying creatures that roamed the dark and struck fear into the hearts of mortals, they had to change as swiftly as the world around them.
They had nothing left and their power was waning more and more. So they held onto each other, to their kin, their family. Ostracized by other Fae, they buried their old conflicts – for now.
But even though the newly born Squad holds together, there are still feuds boiling beneath the surface. Yet, family is everything and woe to all who stand against them.
But not everything changed.

Their spite for humankind lives on, only the interaction with them has reformed. Where once they lured them into forests and swamps, they now bind them in contracts and blackmail and threaten to do horrible things to them if they don't behave. The Squad shows power and superiority through perceived unity. Comply – or perish.
Fear of the unknown has been replaced by fear of persecution.
A new Fae has taken leadership of the Squad since the old days of Yaga's reign. Through some manipulation here and sheer charisma there, demonstration of power and a teaspoon of absolute madness, Rasputin has taken the helm and runs the kin's business – to the liking of many, but certainly not all...