On the surface, it might seem like things have changed for the better, giving the Foundling a stage and a role in the bizarre world of the Immortal. But that is not entirely the case.
The stress and pressure, the constant need to perform more and better,
is bringing most Foundling to a breaking point sooner or later.
They are but burnt our shells of their old mortal selves, putting on the shine and glimmer whenever the public eye is turned towards and spiralling into the sweet embrace of drugs and borrowed love when
no one is looking.
Their Fae keepers usually have little patience for these fickle mortal boundaries and push them further and further, hungry for the Mirage and status that a successful Foundling generates for them.
There are fewer Foundling now than there used to be. Those Fae that manage to maintain a Foundling enjoy great status and honour amongst the other Fae as the play a great part in keeping Faekind alive.
This does, however, also mean a great deal of envy for those who wish to hold such status themselves and are thus seeking ways to steal one of
the successful Foundling and make them their own.

In our real offgame world, personalities such as Marylin Monroe, David Bowie or Freddie Mercury might have been Foundling as we envision them.
However, for this larp, we have decided to refrain from using real life personas and instead, make up our own.
While many of these people gave the world so much to remember them by, it is also important to us to acknowledge that they were not without their flaws.
Many rockstars of the 80s were deeply abusive and grooming younger fans for their own sexual desires, etc.pp. - we do not want to glorify those stories but we also do not want them at our larp.
Therefore we decided not to use them and instead, make up our own.


The human children that were stolen or taken in by Fae to plant their own spawn in the human world. Most of those taken wither quickly in the "care" of Fae but some actually perservere and get to play their part in the Fae world.
Those that do become weirdly distorted and warped by the Mirage and being part of a world that wasn't strictly meant for mortals to thrive in – they take on visual features of the Fair kind and the ability to live for as long as their Fae keeper upholds their bond of patronage over them.
Where Foundling used to be a source of entertainment or servitude to most Fae, their role and significance has changed drastically in modern times. Since humanity has become harder to inspire to believe in the tales that keep the Fae alive, they found a new way to hold humanity in their grasp and own their dreams and stories: Through the Foundling as their ambassadors. The Foundling, charged with Mirage, are the stars and celebrities of the modern human world. They are the actors, rockstars, politicians, DJs and artists of their time and through their ties to the Fae world, they draw the mortals to themselves. They fill the dancefloors and fill the mortals' minds with new hopes and lust, they revive long lost stories on the stages of a theatre or the big screens of modern cinema. They sing to the yearning, lost crowds in front of their stages and the mortals love them, want to be like them, would give anything for them.
Behind the scenes waits the Foundling's Fae keeper, carefully pulling the strings and granting their Foundling the power to sway the masses in their name. Feeding on the ecstasy, the hopes and dreams that their pets create.

Once, we were the toys and servants of Faekind but
times have changed, at least on the surface.
Where we used to bow our heads and stay quietly in the background, we are now the Fae's lifeline to the Mirage, to human belief and inspiration.
We take the stages of the mortal world, the spotlight of their movies
and we inspire their minds to dream.
But underneath it all, we are still slaves to the Fair kind,
our success and fame tied to their benevolence.
They depend on us, yet they hold our lives in their greedy hands
and they demand more, always more.
Once, we dreamt of being like them but now,
we dream of just a day without the pressure,
without needing to perform or pretend to be someone we're not.
We dream of a simpler life – a mortal life.