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The Fae haven is called Emerald city.

It lies at a crossing point between the Fae and the mortal realm in Eastern Berlin and resembles an old, torn down factory.


Emerald City is run by someone mostly known as THE WIZARD (tm),

an excentric Fae whose motivations are a mystery to most.

Many believe they are simply thriving in being the spotlight

and center of Fae gatherings but many are suspicious of their intentions and morales.

Then again, amongst Fae: Who truly possesses spotless morales anyway?  


Emerald City is a place of passion, of dancing through the

years without noticing the passage of time as you sway

in ecstasy and lust.

It is a place of music and dancing, large enough for anyone to find the privacy they might need – yet small enough that your path will always lead you back to the dancefloor eventually.


The gatherings of the Wizard are legendary and known to be of great social weight each time. Any Fae that craves connection will find it here, in the shimmering green lights of Emerald City. 

Emerald City


A Midsummer disco is set in the year 1983 in a sort of Haven between the

human and the Fae world.

It's a place where Fae gather to be social and to party, most specifically for a sort of morbid Midsummer Doomsday Watchparty.

The Fae of different European Kin gather to celebrate for what could be the last time as humanity is at the edge of a nuclear war which could bring with it the end – both for humans and Fae alike.  

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Listen, we are also just weak and fickle romantics and if we make

a Fae larp that has "Midsummer" in the title, of course

Oberon and Titania will also be there. 


Rumour has it that the noble Fae are planning to get married this midsummer. Once again, we might add.  


It is just like them to draw the attention, even as the world is ending, towards their neverending cycle of fighting and making up and once again, they seem to be insisting on getting betrothed to one another until

death or the next argument do them part. 

Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey

Fae time passes differently than human time.

When Fae gather to celebrate, months or even years might pass as

long as there is something left to be said. And it will feel like

merely a few hours have passed.  

During A Midsummer Disco, time will pass differently in the outside world and we invite you to simply trust us and the design.

Timefuckery is a big component of what we are planning for you but we don't want to disclose all the details.

Simply be content knowing: Time will pass differently and there'll be indicators from the outside about where in time we currently are.

You can read more about how to use this in your game under MECHANICS

The End is near

In the 1980s, the Doomsday clock shows 1 minute before midnight.

The air is filled with uncertainty about the very real threat of a nuclear war between East and West.

It's nowhere more tangible than in Germany, the literal border and symbol of the curtain that runs through the world.  

The Fae are gathering here because many believe that the Cold War will escalate any moment now and humanity will eradicate themselves.  


The setting of this larp, unlike previous larps of ours in the same world, is not one of trying to stop the world from ending.

It is not a plot that is solvable or even meant to be fixed,

we are much more aiming for a mood of impending doom and the emotions that come with it – it is an excuse for characters to give it their all, to dance, laugh, love, hate, fight, fuck and sing one last time before it all goes to shit.

Some might welcome the end, celebrate the big boom, others might weep or fight to live their existence to the fullest until their very last moment.


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