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The following is a rough idea of what you can expect of the offgame schedule of this game.


It is bound to be adjusted as we plan the plot and exact happenings but the main frame work will mostly remain as described below.


The exact times might be altered slightly but this should give you an idea of what to expect.  



We are expecting to start the check-in around 12 noon.

Please be there on time and have patience while we check you in! Afterwards, we will start the workshops.


These will contain breaks and some light snacks.

They will go on until early evening, leaving you with the evening to spend time offgame with your co-players.

There will be no game on day 1.

This is important to us because we believe that larping is mostly about the connections you make and we want to make room for you to actually get to know the people you'll be playing intense scenes with.  


What to expect of the workshops?  

We can't give you an exact workshop plan at this point but here are things we will probably include: Mechanics workshop, workshops on "Yes, and" & bullshitting, structured relations workshop, Kin workshop, potentially a lore Q&A.


We'll make room for breaks, keep them active and non-boring. There'll be dinner either during the workshops or right after. 

Day 1 - Arrival & Workshops
Day 2 - First play day

We are starting the day with an offgame breakfast.

The remaining meals will likely be ingame.


The breakfast will be fairly early to then allow you some time to get into costume and start the game around 10 or 11.

We will likely have a big disco event at the end of Day 2 but there

might also be an ongoing Disco situation.

We will stop all organiser driven plot and

npc requests at midnight and encourage you to

get some sleep latest by 2am.  

Again, the breakfast will be offgame.

We'll take group pictures of all the Kin and then restart the game with a continuation of the previous day.


Lunch will probably be ingame, dinner might be offgame after the game ends.


We will end the game in the evening to allow

for a small optional debrief and an

offgame afterparty.  

Day 3 - Second play day

There'll be breakfast and then we need you to pack up, say your goodbyes and leave the location so we can either prepare for the next run or clean up the place to leave it as well.


If you are on the first run, we need you to be

out of the location by 1pm latest so we can recuperate and get some peace and quiet.   


If you are on the second run, you are encouraged and welcome to offer your help with the clean up!

Day 4 - Departure
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